We've enabled multi-risk on our Zebra Lounge platform. This innovative update allows you to add multiple risks for landlords and private motor products, offering enhanced flexibility and coverage options for your clients. This document is designed to address common queries from our brokers and policyholders.
Frequently asked questions
What are the benefits of doing multi-risk?
- Consolidated payment: One premium across multiple risks.
- Simplified administration: Manage one policy instead of multiple.
- Unified renewal: Only one renewal notice is needed.
How can I include additional properties or vehicles in the motor or landlord product?
Look for the ‘add new vehicle/property’ button located beneath the property or vehicle details, positioned at the bottom of the screen.
Do I get a discount for multiple risks?
No, there are no discounts for insuring multiple risks on one policy.
Is the agency fee the same for multiple risks as it is for single risk?
An agency fee is charged for each risk, similar to the fee structure for single risks. This means each risk within a policy incurs its own fee.
Do all prior claims for an insured need to be captured, regardless of whether they relate to an insured location?
For our landlord product, claims are captured at the insured level and that continues with multi-risk.
How many vehicles can I insured under multi risk?
Currently we limit 5 vehicles per policy.
How many properties can I insure under multi-risk?
Currently we limit 10 properties per policy.
What happens if one risk triggers a referral, or is declined?
The whole quote takes the status of the declined or referred risk. The answer that has triggered the decline or referral will be shown in the message to you, so you can see which risk it relates to.
Can I add a new risk to an existing single risk policy?
Yes, you will be able to endorse existing single risk private motor or landlord policies and add a new risk if the policy period starts on/after 1 July 2023.
Will you be providing multi-risk capability for your home product?
We are exploring the possibility of expanding our multi-risk capabilities to include home insurance products in the future.
Can I see a premium split for each property or vehicle?
Yes, premium splits for each risk are available in the New Business Premium Breakdown, which can be accessed in CSV and PDF formats. Additionally, detailed breakdowns can be viewed in the quote summary tab.
I am a Steadfast broker, is multi risk available on SCTP?
Not right now, but it is coming. We are currently working through some minor changes to allow multi-risk on SCTP and will announce once its available.
Who can I contact for further assistance or clarification?
Our dedicated Regional Managers are available to provide support and assistance with any questions. Additionally, the Blue Zebra Underwriting team is always ready to address any queries or feedback.